Erlebnisorientierte Marketing-Tourismusstrategien, die es wert sind, gestohlen zu werden

Sparks Marketing
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Tourism is about discovering new experiences. Therefore, it is only natural that the tourism industry looks to experiential marketing to boost their marketing efforts. Many businesses, from state and local tourism boards to transportation companies, are finding creative ways to use live experiences to raise awareness and boost local economies. Below are four inspirational experiential marketing tourism strategies that can help your next campaign succeed.


The New York State Division of Tourism's branding unit, I LOVE NY, hosts a variety of events to attract tourists to the state. Each summer, the brand showcases at a central location in the Expo Center at the Great New York State Fair. The campaign "All Year. All Here." is brought to life through detailed vignettes showcasing fun activities in New York that travelers can enjoy year-round. A tree at the center of the experience guides visitors to four seasonal activations. At each interactive station, consumers snap photos at GIF and selfie stations, sharing the experience on social media platforms while consuming historical facts and little-known details about New York state's top attractions.

Das Greater Palm Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau.

JetBlue is promoting the launch of direct flights from New York to Palm Springs. In lieu of a raffle for airline tickets, the Greater Palm Springs Convention & Visitors Bureau is activating a "Break out of the Chill" challenge. On the sidewalks of Manhattan, New Yorkers are invited to literally break open 6 foot by 6 foot blocks of ice to win free prizes frozen inside: sandals, pool wear, golf clubs and a grand prize of a free vacation to Palm Springs including airfare and lodging. Contestants can use any object they have on them to break into the frozen blocks, which takes a little creativity to win this free holiday. Creative experiential marketing tourism strategies like the "chill" attract attention inside and outside the industry. This innovative experience continues to earn praise from event marketers and tourism professionals.


Sometimes a country's natural resources are its greatest marketing fuel (if used correctly, of course). This is the case with VisitNorway. The brand uses an unusual group of brand ambassadors to attract more tourists: sheep. The company's #SheepWithAView campaign activates Norway's annual tradition of releasing millions of sheep to explore the country and exercise their "right to roam". Cameras attached to four sheep from different regions of the country take online audiences on their individual journeys.

Film crews also capture and produce a short video of each sheep's cross-country adventures, weaving together a story about each Norwegian region. Each sheep has a unique personality and name, adding an intimate touch to the campaign. Clever experiential marketing tourism strategies that are authentic generate a lot of attention - the campaign's Instagram account, @SheepWithAView, gained 9,000 followers in 10 days.

Das Alabama Tourism Department

Die zweite Version der "Sweet Home Alabama"-Kampagne des Alabama Tourism Department konzentriert sich auf zwei Themen, die normalerweise nicht mit dem Bundesstaat in Verbindung gebracht werden: Mardi Gras und Berge. Und wie die Themen selbst geht die Organisation groß heraus, um die Aufmerksamkeit potenzieller Besucher zu erregen. Das Department aktiviert eine vollständige Mardi-Gras-Pop-up-Parade in New York City mit einem maßgeschneiderten Float, Musik der Jambalaya Brass Band und MoonPies sowie Bead-Tossing. Ziel ist es, Verbraucher über die eigentlichen Ursprünge von Mardi Gras - Mobile, AL - aufzuklären. Der Stunt zeigt auch andere verborgene Schätze des Bundesstaates. Mardi Gras wird in Mobile jedes Jahr noch gefeiert.

Das Aktivierungsdesign ist eine 20 Fuß breite Nachbildung der Little River Canyon in Alabama. Besucher setzen eine VR-Brille auf und "erklimmen die Klippen" mit atemberaubenden 360-Grad-Ansichten der eigentlichen Schlucht. Die Social-Media-Kanäle werden durch die Kletterer gestärkt, die ihr digitales Souvenirfoto ihres Aufstiegs teilen. Intelligente, leistungsstarke digitale Interaktive befeuern erfolgreiche experientielle Marketingtourismusstrategien.

Wie viele Marken setzen auch Reiseorganisationen stark auf Erfahrungen, die von Natur aus teilbar sind, um ihre experientiellen Marketing-Tourismusstrategien und -kampagnen zu stärken - Social Media verstärkt Bildung und Angebote. Schaffen Sie eine authentische Live-Aktivierung in Kombination mit intelligenten digitalen Interaktiven und teilen Siebare Momente, und sie werden kommen!