Sharing Gilead’s Message and Mission

Sparks Marketing
Gilead Aids 2020 message and mission

Every year, the International AIDS Conference brings together leaders, experts, and advocates across the scientific and HIV community. In response to the event going completely virtual due to the pandemic, Sparks worked with Gilead Sciences to build a custom Gilead AIDS2020 virtual event microsite that puts human connection first, engaging attendees and illustrating their dedication to the HIV/AIDS patient community.

The AIDS2020 Experience

Gilead’s What We Live For campaign is the foundation behind the site and what drives the overall messaging. What We Live For showcases Gilead’s commitment to ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic and spotlights its efforts to not only improve the lives of those affected by HIV, but to put programs in place that clear up misconceptions, emphasize the facts, provide access to medicines, and reduce stigma.

Content greets attendees on the home page and offers navigational prompts to experience various site offerings, including:

The Living Mosaic main interactive, a community-focused wall gallery and user generated content creation tool, encourages visitors to share their inspiration and ‘What They Live For.’ Guests build their own inspirational tile by uploading their photo and story. Once added to the mosaic, guests receive a copy by email for sharing on social media including relevant hashtags to use with the photo, #GileadHIV, #AIDS2020, and #ThisIsWhatWeLiveFor. When they share, the tile automatically links back to the Living Mosaic gallery page.

  • The History of the HIV Epidemic - An Interactive Timeline Experience takes guests through a detailed timeline of the history of HIV and the progress that has been made, starting in the 1980s all the way through 2019.
  • Voices of Strength invites guests to celebrate and take in stories of empowerment and strength in the wake of the stigma surrounding HIV.


The Gilead AIDS2020 virtual microsite “exhibit” boasts a site design that tells a human story and encourages interaction and a sense of community, all the while sharing Gilead’s message and mission.

  • Custom Virtual Event site built for Gilead HIV as an in-depth exhibitor experience for Virtual Conferences
  • User-generated photo experience (The Living Mosaic) celebrates attendees’ vision for “what you live for”
  • Interactive HIV history timeline
  • Voices of Strength video stories showcasing testimonials around overcoming stigma
  • Virtual event features: SSO Registration sign-on, Meeting Scheduler, Social Feed integration