Zendesk Relate 2020; Sparks Receives Shoutout in Event Retrospective

Sparks Marketing
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In a new blog post published on Medium, Zendesk Senior Brand Designer Freya Dobrindt takes readers on a detailed journey into the would-be world of Zendesk’s global user conference, Zendesk Relate 2020. Dobrindt details every part of the experience — from arriving in Miami, heading to event registration, to stepping into the immersive expo area, and finally, taking in the first keynote presentation. When reading Freya’s piece, it’s hard not to imagine the heat of Miami, the delight of taking in the event’s gorgeous pastel color palette and sleek conference design, the tangible buzz in the bright expo area, and the joy of watching the first, immersive event keynote from Zendesk CEO, Mikkel Svane, on the main stage.

“A giant glowing sun is suspended in the center of the room. Underneath, there’s a theater set up for sessions,” writes Dobrindt on the Relate 2020 Expo Hall. “And surrounding the theater, iridescent booths of all shapes and sizes. The perimeter of the room is lime-washed in warm yellow light, a subtle nod to the yellow carpet on the floor. There’s a real buzz and shine in the space.”

It’s at the end of the article that Dobrindt takes readers back to the hard reality — the cancellation of Relate 2020 due to the global COVID pandemic, just two days before the event is set to take place. In taking readers inside the Zendesk Relate 2020 experience, Dobrindt uses the article as a way to shine a light on the people behind the event and all of the work they put into it, including our own Sparks team members.

Here’s an excerpt:

“This article is an ode to the amazing team of Zendesk creatives and marketeers, from 3D to sound and video and slides, as well as our colleagues from Sparks, who dedicated sweat, tears, time, and talent to create beautiful things that never saw the light of day. Your creations live on in this article. RIP Relate 2020. (On a lighter note, Relater, our global online event, is what came out of the dust.)”

To read Dobrindt’s full article, click here.